Relationship, Marriage and Partnership Coaching and Facilitation
in Central London, Brighton and Hove

FAQ #01

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Psychotherapy and Relationship Coaching work?

Coaching and psychotherapy can complement each other. Therapeutic coaching might be a better description ...! Sometimes deeper work is required, together with action and accountability which create stronger self confidence.

(Relationship coaching or Marriage Coaching sessions are generally one and a half hours long)

Ring me on 01273 80 90 38 or text on 07941 910847 and let me know when is a good time to meet.

How long is an initial meeting? Around 20 minutes to half an hour. There is also space to have a full session if desired. If clients are coming from outside Brighton then 2/3 hour sessions or at times a whole day can be booked.

Workshops are posted here, and we welcome requests for workshop designs.

There are residential possibilities where individuals and couples need more intense and urgent assistance.

Skills and Tools

How can you help us?

Each couple is unique ... there may be general issues that are common to many, but essentially each relationship is different.

By getting to know you, and helping you to feel comfortable the process can become interesting, and even fun.

With third party facilitation issues can safely be addressed, and resolved, usually with some emotional intelligence development, and a generally growth of self esteem!

We have more than 25 years experience with individuals and couples. We work with couples who want to deepen their relationship, improving communication skills and Intimacy. Linda and Uwe specialise in working with couples who run a business together and maybe there are difficulties to find a work/Life balance, or or you may have run into a crisis with each other.

In cases like this we will visit on site and spend a couple of days or so help you communicate better, or develop more of the emotional intelligence to work swiftly through the issues, rather than just a weekly meeting.

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